Friday, May 10, 2013

i hate you for everything u are
u irritated me so much
so much i hate u
that i will end up kill u
i wonder y u r here
r u really want me 2 kill u
2 just kill u

i couldn't forget 'bout u
ur piercing glare
ur bewitching smile
ur whole self
what am i doing
i just couldn't forget
all 'bout u..

i just hate u
all 'bout u
ur poker-face
ur cruelty
ur everything
i just wanna hate u

do u know that
i really hate u
to the core of my heart
i'll not forget 'bout u
'cos i really really 
hate you..

i wonder y
y i couldn't forget u
is it just i hate u
is it just i love u
deep in my heart
not willing to forget u